
SmartLipo at Destination Beauty Medspa in Framingham, MA
Smartlipo MPXTM
Results: Faster healing, Tighter, Firmer Skin
Smart Lipo
Awake Liposuction
At Destination Beauty MedSpa we now offer a newer, safer form of Liposuction (called Tumescent Liposuction) compared to the traditional way that most people think of when discussing this procedure. Most individuals have seen liposuction performed on TV displaying a very violent procedure while the patient is under general anesthesia. This unfortunately leaves an uneasy feeling and fear about liposuction and ultimately turns away many people that could benefit from this wonderful procedure.

We are pleased to inform the public that these fears are not warranted due the safe and much more effective style of liposuction performed at Destination Beauty MedSpa. Patients are completely awake and do not have to be subjected to the unnecessary risks of general anesthesia. Also, there is minimal bruising and discomfort from this procedure. In addition, patients can be back to work in 1-2 days compared to 1-2 weeks from the older style of liposuction. Finally, the instruments used are much smaller and less invasive. This ultimately results in fewer traumas to the area and much improved results.
The word tumescent means swollen and firm. Tumescent liposuction uses large volumes of a dilute solution of lidocaine, a local anesthetic, in combination with the vasoconstrictive drug epinephrine, which temporarily shrinks capillaries. This feature of constricting blood vessels results in very little blood loss during the procedure. Actually there is more blood lost during a routine blood draw during a physical exam than during the entire Tumescent Liposuction procedure. Minimal blood loss results in very little bruising. The lack of bruising results in decreased pain and a much quicker recovery time.
Local anesthesia used in tumescent liposuction is so effective that patients no longer need intravenous sedatives, narcotic analgesics, or general anesthesia. Over the years, numerous patients who previously had liposuction with general anesthesia have had second treatments with tumescent liposuction. Virtually every one of these patients have found tumescent liposuction to be less painful, to provide better results and result in more rapid healing and recovery.
It is also the only technique that, in the hands of an expert surgeon, permits liposuction totally by local anesthesia, avoiding the dangers of general anesthesia, IV sedation and narcotic analgesics.
There are surgeons who prefer to simultaneously use general anesthesia and tumescent liposuction. Some surgeons rely on general anesthesia because they do not have the skill to achieve complete anesthesia with tumescent liposuction. Others recommend general anesthesia just because they prefer patients to be unconscious. Still others use general anesthesia because it permits liposuction to be completed more rapidly.
However, the use of general anesthesia should not be based on what is most convenient for the surgeon, but rather what is best for the patient. Ultimately, the patient should choose the type of anesthesia.
Our staff shares our commitment toward helping you achieve your goals for self-improvement. Your consultation will be personal and private, or you can bring your spouse or friend if you wish.
Body sculpture by liposuction is literally a dream come true. Localized accumulations of fat, are often inherited and frequently prove impossible to eliminate by exercise or diet. Liposuction can now be used to permanently remove these accumulations of fat and never to plague you again.
Body fat of an adult tends to increase gradually over the years. After the age of 30, an individual tends to add fat according to a genetically predetermined pattern. This fat distribution is often resistant to exercising and dieting. An example of a genetically predetermined fat distribution which is resistant to dieting and exercise is the fat that appears on the abdomen and hips of a woman after pregnancy.
For many people who have inherited excessive accumulations of fat, liposuction is the only realistic means of changing the body’s silhouette. In effect, liposuction is equivalent to being able to focus the effects of dieting to specific areas of the body.
The concept of liposuction is surprisingly simple. Liposuction is a surgical technique that improves the body’s contour by removing excess fat from fatty deposits located between the skin and muscle.
Liposuction involves the use of a small stainless steel tube, called a cannula. The cannula is connected to a very powerful suction pump and is inserted through small skin incisions. The removal of fat is accomplished as the suction and cannula creates tiny tunnels through the fatty layers. After the procedure, these tiny tunnels collapse resulting in an improved body contour.
Fat cells that are removed by liposuction do not grow back. As long as the patient does not gain excessive amounts of weight, the new, more pleasing silhouette is permanent. A woman who always tends to put weight on her thighs and knees, will find that after liposuction, these areas are less likely than other areas to accumulate fat when she gains weight. In fact a number of patients who have had liposuction and have subsequently gained weight have found that the areas originally treated by liposuction have maintained their new desirable silhouette, whereas areas not treated by liposuction have been the sites of new deposits of fat.
The best candidates for liposuction need to be in good health and have realistic expectations of liposuction. There is not an age limit or weight limit for patients who are “good candidates” for liposuction. Most of our patients have localized accumulations of fat. However, some of the happiest patients have been individuals who are somewhat obese. It is important to emphasize that liposuction is not a treatment for general obesity. Liposuction surgery is not effective as a last resort for people who are unable to maintain a reasonable weight by dieting. However, an overweight person whose weight has been stable for many years and has certain problem areas of fat may be an excellent candidate for liposuction.
Liposuction procedure is a success when the patient is happy with the results. The surgeon’s goal is to achieve an optimal aesthetically appealing result rather than to maximize the amount of fat removed. The cosmetic success of liposuction relies on removing inches rather than pounds. For example, removing an amount of fat equivalent to a half-pound of butter from each outer thigh of a woman’s saddlebag area or from a man’s love handle areas would result in a dramatic change in silhouette, but would not significantly change the person’s weight.
Although liposuction is a relatively new form of cosmetic procedure, there have been several recent improvements in the technique. One of the most significant improvements has been the introduction of tumescent liposuction, developed by Jeffrey A. Klein, M.D. in 1985. It permits liposuction by local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia. Despite being developed about 20 years ago, it has taken some time to become popular in the medical field. This technique is now considered the safest form of liposuction for removing very large amounts of fat because there is virtually no blood loss. Not only has tumescent liposuction proven to be safer than the standard technique using general anesthesia but it also has proven to be less painful, has minimized post-operative recovery time, and has produced optimal cosmetic results.
Tumescent liposuction was first presented by Dr. Klein in 1986 at the Second World Congress of Liposuction Surgery in Philadelphia. His article that first described the technique appeared in the American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery in 1987.
The word tumescent means swollen and firm. Tumescent liposuction uses large volumes of a dilute solution of lidocaine, a local anesthetic, in combination with the vasoconstrictive drug epinephrine, which temporarily shrinks capillaries.
Local anesthesia used in tumescent liposuction is so effective that patients no longer need intravenous sedatives, narcotic analgesics, or general anesthesia. Over the years, numerous patients who previously had liposuction with general anesthesia have had second treatments with tumescent liposuction. Virtually every one of these patients has found tumescent liposuction to be less painful, to provide better results and to result in more rapid healing and recovery.
As a result of the widespread capillary constriction caused by the epinephrine in the anesthetic solution, there is minimal bleeding during and after surgery. This is a major improvement in the liposuction technique compared to older methods that simply use general anesthesia.
Dr. Klein recently completed a study of large volume liposuction of 112 patients, each of whom had between 1,500 ml to 3,400ml (1.5 quarts to nearly 1 gallon) of fat removed using tumescent liposuction. None of these patients required a blood transfusion. In fact, the average patient lost approximately three teaspoons (15 ml) of blood. Tumescent liposuction is so effective at minimizing blood loss that the majority of patients with large volume liposuction loss less blood during the surgery than they do at the time of their routine pre-operative laboratory studies.
With tumescent liposuction, our patients have never required hospitalization, blood transfusion, nor have there been any infections or other serious complications.
Dr. Sharma’s philosophy is that safety comes first. More dangerous forms of liposuction are not part of the “First do no harm” belief. Tumescent Liposuction meets very safe and effective standards in the cosmetic field. Dr. Sharma also believes in being prepared to handle any unexpected complications, while at the same time being well trained to take care of any potential emergency.
Virtually every patient who has had liposuction by another surgeon using general anesthesia prior to having tumescent liposuction, has said that tumescent liposuction is a dramatically less painful experience than with general anesthesia. With tumescent liposuction, infiltrating the local anesthesia is associated with minimal discomfort and once the area has been completely numbed, surgery in the area is essentially painless. In addition, because the local anesthesia persists in the treated area for more than 12 hours, there is no pain immediately after the surgery.
As with any procedure, liposuction is associated with certain common side-effects such as bruising, swelling, and temporary numbness. Although irregularities of the skin are possible following liposuction, this side-effect is minimized by tumescent liposuction. Previous liposuction techniques use larger cannulas and occasionally patients experience more irregularities of the skin. Since using micro cannulas, noticeable irregularities are very rare.
Because of the slow resolution of post procedure swelling, the ultimate results following liposuction usually require 12 to 16 weeks to become fully apparent. Nevertheless, patients can usually see dramatic improvements within two to four weeks after procedure.
Although the results of liposuction are often quite spectacular, it is not realistic to expect perfection. Liposuction of the thighs, while improving the silhouette, does not necessarily eliminate the subtle “puckering” of the skin that is often referred to as “cellulite.” Tumescent liposuction does not reduce the degree of cellulite but it is unlikely to make it worse.
As judged by current world-wide experience, liposuction is amazingly safe. To the best of our knowledge, there have never been any reported serious complications using tumescent liposuction.
Rare problems that can potentially occur with any procedure include infections, bleeding, and liver damage, but tumescent liposuction minimizes these risks.
Infections are extremely rare, regardless of the anesthetic technique. Although there have been reports in the medical literature of patients who have had serious infections following liposuction surgery, to the best of our knowledge there has never been any patients who have had an infection following liposuction by local anesthesia using tumescent liposuction. With tumescent liposuction the areas being treated are injected with lidocaine, the local anesthetic, which kills bacteria, therefore, using the tumescent technique reduces the risk of infection.
The large volumes of dilute local anesthetics infiltrated into the fatty tissue causes the tissue to become swollen and firm, or tumescent. Tumescent liposuction magnifies the fatty area that is to be treated by liposuction. If there is an area that has not been completely treated, this is more easily detected because the area is swollen and enlarged. Thus the risk of post-surgical irregularities and unevenness is minimized.
With tumescent liposuction very small cannulas are used, which permits a more delicate and gentle approach to liposuction. The liposuction cannulas, which have been specifically designed for tumescent liposuction, are 2.0 to 3.0 mm in diameter. These micro cannulas require a minimal amount of force in order to advance them into the fatty tissue. As a result, procedure is much gentler and the doctor can control the direction and position of the cannula with greater accuracy. The ultimate result is a greatly reduced risk of inadvertently approaching too close to the under surface of the skin and unintentionally causing irregularities.
Because tumescent liposuction uses very small cannulas, only tiny incisions are required and the incisions are so small that no stitches are needed. The wounds heal on their own and most of these tiny incisions disappear spontaneously with time.
The degree of skin change after liposuction is the same as one would expect if it were possible to lose an equal amount of fat by dieting. Because the small cannulas simply make small tunnels through the fat, there remain multiple connections between the skin and the underlying tissue. These fibrous connections contract with the healing process and maintain the skin in its natural position. After liposuction by tumescent liposuction, one does not have to worry about excessive folds of the skin in the areas treated by liposuction. This effect is so dramatic that many patients who previously would have required a surgical excision of skin, called a tummy tuck, can now have excellent results simply by having liposuction.
There is dramatically less bruising using local anesthesia for liposuction as compared to general anesthesia. There are two reasons for this significant decrease in bruising. First, there is so little bleeding with tumescent liposuction, there is almost no blood that remains beneath the skin after surgery to cause bruising.
The second reason for decreased bruising is that with tumescent liposuction there is a considerable amount of post-operative drainage consisting of a slightly blood tinged anesthetic solution. Because the incision sites are so small and do not require stitches, these wounds are slightly open for two to three days after the surgery and permit more of the residual anesthetic solution and a minute amount of blood to drain out. This minimizes bruising and swelling and accelerates the rate of healing.
After liposuction by general anesthesia, patients must be observed in a recovery room until it can be determined that they have not lost too much blood, and that the post-operative nausea and vomiting is not too profound. With tumescent liposuction, there is virtually no blood loss and with local anesthesia there is rarely any nausea.
Because it does take additional time to inject the local anesthesia with liposuction by tumescent liposuction the patient does remain on the procedure table longer than with liposuction by general anesthesia. However, because the recovery time is so short, the total amount of time that the patient is in the facility is much shorter with tumescent liposuction than general anesthesia. After completion of liposuction by tumescent liposuction, patients are discharged home in about 30 minutes.
By not using stitches to close incision sites, there is acceleration in the rate of healing. Open incision sites permit drainage of the slightly blood tinged anesthetic solution. This has had a dramatic effect in minimizing bruising and most patients now notice that bruising is almost entirely absent one week after procedure.
Tumescent liposuction eliminates bleeding and because the residual anesthetic solution drains out quickly, there is less inflammation and the healing process is significantly accelerated.
The significant decrease in swelling and decrease in inflammation and pain after the procedure, patients are able to return to normal physical activity other than what common sense would dictate. Some patients are able to return to jogging, golf, light aerobic exercise within a day or two after the procedure. Some patients do find the soreness after procedure more significant than others, but on the average most patients are quite surprised at how quickly they are able to return to normal activity.
Dr. Sharma has had extensive training in Tumescent Liposuction. His training has taken him to Virginia & California. His tireless efforts training in Liposuction are solely motivated to enhance safety and efficacy for patients undergoing this procedure.
Tips for choosing the right Medspa:
Things you need to know when choosing a MedSpa, and tips for choosing the right MedSpa for your SmartLipo Treatment.
Always ask about safety, privacy, package offerings & price, and make sure to stay away from “high-pressure” sale spa franchises and chains!
Consultations should be free and not require any commitment the first time you visit. Be very careful with any spa that tries to pressure or bully you into to a treatment without giving you time to go home and give it some thought first.
Make sure a licensed medical doctor is going to do the procedure and not an assistant, a nurse, or someone else who may or may not have the medical background or experience to ensure your safety. Your health and safety should always come first.
SmartLipo is a relatively fast and safe medical procedure, but it is still a medical procedure none the less. Ask if there is medical staff on site in case of an emergency, and ask was there qualifications are. Don’t be fooled by fancy double-talk from some of the larger chains and franchise medical spas.
Another important thing that is often overlooked by high pressure spa’s is doing blood work and physical exams prior to the procedure. Ask the spa you are looking into if they will be doing any blood work to make sure that there are no medical issues that would prevent you from being a good candidate for SmartLipo.
Make sure wherever you go that you have someone ready to take you home afterwards, but also that it’s in a private setting. Typically for the first 24 hours after SmartLipo there will be some discharge. You certainly wouldn’t want to walk back to your car groggy, in front of hundreds of people.
Package & Price:
Consultations, blood work, physicals, massage, follow-up checkups should all be included free of charge. Make sure to not only ask if those things are included at no cost, but also make sure that they even offer them! Far too often we have had people come to us to fix an issue that could have been prevented if the proper services and Pre Operative-work had been done.
Many MedSpa’s try to pressure you into signing a contract, or putting down a non-refundable deposit the very first time you visit. Don’t fall for it! A consultation is just that, you are consulting the spa to LEARN more about the procedure and if it's right for you. Always make sure to assemble all the information first, bring it home, think about it, and then make an informed decision.
Any Spa that tries to pressure you into the “deal of a lifetime” if you sign up today, doesn’t have your best interest at heart.